The jonquils are blooming, the birds are chirping, and Spring has officially arrived. Whether we realize it, the growth and renewal of Spring also brings many health benefits, especially for our minds.
Science tells us that as humans, we are programmed to rest when it’s dark and be active when it’s light. Thus, longer days give us more time to get outside and soak up some sunshine, which provides energy for both our bodies and our spirits.
Extra sunshine also provides us with a boost in Vitamin D. Most people don’t know when they’re experiencing a Vitamin D deficiency, but the effects are both physical and mental as it can cause aching bones, brain fog and moodiness. If you’re feeling a little blue and/or finding it difficult to focus, some sunshine—and Vitamin D—may be just what you need.
In addition to plenty of light, Spring delivers new opportunities to socialize. This winter, more than any before, has been difficult due to social distancing. The other seasons allowed us to continue visiting with friends, family and neighbors outdoors, but once the cold weather set in, we had to postpone those backyard barbeques and patio gatherings. Now, though, with warmer weather and longer days on the horizon, we can safely spend more time with our friends and loved ones.
We can also spend more time in our yards and gardens, which studies have shown can decrease blood pressure and create an overall sense of wellbeing by promoting both physical and mental activity. Stop and smell the roses—for real. It’s good for you!
Whether you’re looking forward to gardening, jogging, hiking, socializing or all of the above, enjoy your time outside this spring and soak up the positive effect it will have on your body, mind and soul. Green grass, fresh dirt, blossoming flowers and warm sunshine can give us just what we need to beat those winter blues and feel happier and healthier in 2021.